The BIRDS was performed at the Theatre Royal, November 1883, and claimed to be the first Greek comedy to be produced in its entirety since antiquity. 2704 tickets were sold.
The actors’ text and translation was published as B.H. Kennedy, The Birds of Aristophanes (Cambridge 1883). A pamphlet was produced with images: R. Farren, Illustrations to Aristophanes’ The Birds (Cambridge 1883). The music was by Hubert Parry, conducted by Stanford.
The cast featured M.R. James, a writer and mediaevalist now best known for his ghost stories, who would later become provost of King’s College.
- Peithetairos: M.R. James
- Euelpides: H.A. Newton
- Hoopoe: F.R. Pryor (Hoopoe’s songs: G.J. Maquay)
- Runner-Bird: G.J. Maquay
- Nightingale: F.L. Norris
- Priest: A.C. Benson
- Poet: J.D. Ouvry
- Soothsayer: H.F.W. Tatham
- Meton: F.B. Winthrop
- Inspector: L.N. Guillemard
- Plebiscite vendor: E.A. Gardner
- First messenger: J.D. Ouvry
- Second messenger: F.R. Pryor
- Iris: L.J. Maxse
- Herald: F.B. Winthrop
- Parricide: A. Fleeming Jenkin
- Informer: L.N. Guillemard
- Prometheus: H.J.C. Cust
- Herakles: R. Threlfall
- Poseidon: R.W. White-Thomson
- Triballos: H.J.W. Tatham
- Third messenger: J.D. Ouvry
- Basileia: E.A. Gardner
- Chorus-leader: S.M. Leathes
- Chorus: W.H. Blandford, W.H.D. Boyle, J.B. Cobb, A.T.B. Dunn, C.R. Gott, A. Harrison, W.H. Kynaston, E.M. Lance, F.G. Langham, G.J. Maquay, C.T. Musgrave, J.M. Sing, W.H. Stables, H. Summerhayes, P.A. Thomas, L.J. White-Thomson, H. Wilson Fox, H.F. Wilson
- Parabasis: C. Platts
Production Team (incomplete)
- Costumes: J.W. Clark
- Scene-painter: J. O’Connor
- Stage-manager: Charles Waldstein